What is the Patronato Pikimachay?

The Patronato Pikimachay was created as a nonprofit and non political organization on June 22nd, 2017, and is presided by Carlos Añaños Jeri. It was founded in conjunction with the launch of the Ayacucho Waytarin Project and is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture with the objective of placing the local culture of Ayacucho at the centre of a process of social transformation and economic development.

The Patronato Pikimachay seeks to enhance the value of Ayacucho on the basis of four main pillars: 1) declaration of Huamanga as World Heritage, 2) bringing Handicrafts and Art closer together, 3) Smart City and 4) the Brand Ayacucho.

Likewise, it believes that education is an aspect that affects each of the four pillars mentioned above; hence it is also focused on raising the standards of quality education amongst all social sectors of Ayacucho.

The actions carried out by the Patronato Pikimachay are governed by major principles and ethical values, the common interest of the people of Ayachucho superseding all others.

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